


      School of Realization | SaTurn

Entelechy of a seed is to become a mighty tree. Entelechy of a human being is the realization of an inspiring potential inherently bestowed upon us by our nature. We, as human beings, often lose sight of the potential of boundless creativity within us.

Through our unique cross-disciplinary techniques of thinking, perception, and comprehension, you will unlock your creative potential – will comprehend reality around you better, think better, live a more fulfilled and interesting life, thus moving to the realization of an individual potential at the very core of personal entelechy.

UPCOMing seminars


Statistics workshoP

Data never speak for itself – therefore, we as mindful observers, have to make sense of it. In this workshop we learn to connect dots, and see patterns hidden from us without inferential methods. From hypothesis testing to regression analysis and beyond, our workshop will empower you to apply statistical methodologies to real-world research scenarios, unlocking the potential of data-driven decision-making.

September 27, 2024
Time: 13:00 - 16:00 (UTC)


Zeitgeist of Modernity: Quo vadis?

We trace the roots of contemporary problems to the most significant beliefs, assumptions, and concepts of the paradigm of Modernity. Knowledge about important features of modern society will allow you to develop more informed long-term plans.

September 24, 2024
Time: 13:00 - 16:00 (UTC)


Cultural Archetypes: Semantic Rivers of Humanity

The focus of the seminar is on collective concepts rather than individual values. In this course, we identify fundamentally different responses that various cultural traditions provide to the basic aspects of the human condition. These alternative positions constitute the identity core of different civilizations and guide the life choices of millions of people around the world.

October 5, 2024
Time: 13:00 - 16:00 (UTC)


Hero's journey on- and off-screen

This seminar will provide valuable insights and practical guidance on the essential skills to apply the concepts of conscious (want) and unconscious (need) desire to the analysis of psychology.

September 30, 2024
Time: 13:00 - 16:00 (UTC)

Free Training: Attention


Introduction to Sacral Art

Sunday, 15th October 2024
1pm-4pm UTC

During these exclusive trainings you will discover how to…


Unlock Symbolic Meaning

Discover the hidden depths of sacred artworks, unravel their profound messages, and gain insights into their spiritual and cultural significance.


Interpret Visual Language

Learn to decipher the intricate visual narratives of sacral art, understanding the symbolism behind colors, shapes, and symbols used in artistic expressions.


Cultivate Personal Awareness

Engage deeply with sacral art to establish a transformative connection, accessing its energy, wisdom, and healing potential for personal growth and self-discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Expanding individual horizons —


Our trainings are tailored to provide practical knowledge and tools that have real-life applications. You'll gain valuable insights and strategies to navigate important life problems, make difficult choices, and enhance your overall well-being.


Engaging in trainings at Entelechy School fosters deep, profound self-reflection and self-awareness, allowing you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your strengths, and areas for growth.


Participating in trainings at Entelechy School offers unexpectedly illuminating moments where you gain fresh perspectives and valuable insights that challenge your existing beliefs and broaden your understanding of various subjects.


Investing in your professional development through trainings can significantly boost your career prospects and empower you to make informed decisions in your personal and professional life.


Trainings at Entelechy School offer a great platform for meeting people from diverse backgrounds who share similar interests and aspirations. You'll have the opportunity to connect, exchange ideas, and build a supportive network.


In today's rapidly changing world, trainings at Entelechy School provide you with the tools to understand and navigate societal dynamics, empowering you to make informed decisions and thrive in diverse cultural landscapes. As a result, you will experience an enhanced sense of integration and harmony in your life.


See what some of our loyal customers have to say about our trainings. We take great pride in ensuring the highest standards of customer satisfaction.

марьям мамедова

Как участница семинара 'Путешествие героя на экране и в жизни' могу сказать, что семинар оказался трансформационным опытом для меня. Получила ценные познания не только в области психологии, но и получила практические рекомендации по конкретным обстоятельствам своей жизни. Лектор проводил поразительные связи между сознательными и бессознательными желаниями, помогая мне глубже понять себя и рассказы, которые нас окружают каждый день. От всей души рекомендую этот семинар каждому, кто желает исследовать глубокую связь между психологией, искусством повествования и личностным развитием.

Richard Weber

Highly recommend! Entelechy instructor was the only one who responded to my last-minute request. I provided practice questions, and he broke down problems, identified flaws, and pinpointed my incorrect approach. He supplied an improvement lesson to emphasize the way to look at the questions. I wish I had taken lessons from him sooner. I immediately rescheduled for Entelechy, and I hope to work with their instructors going forward for the GMAT exam.

Sevinc Dadashova

Had an opportunity to get "Sacral Art: Unlocking the Meaning of Symbols" course. It was an eye-opener for me. The instructors were not only passionate about the subject but also extremely insightful in decoding the hidden messages behind each artistic creation. The course materials were thoughtfully curated, providing a comprehensive exploration of various symbolisms. This course truly expanded my perspective and ignited a profound appreciation for the rich symbolism in art. I highly recommend it to anyone eager to unlock the captivating world of sacral art.