Sacral Art

Sacral Art: Unlocking the meaning of Symbols

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In this course, we study the meaning of mythological symbols, techniques of understanding the prevalence of certain symbols through different cultures, and apply our knowledge to the analysis of specific mythological and psychological themes.



Delivery mode and Cost

4 meetings
∼ 12 hours


USD 35 (per a session)

Course Description


Keywords: mythological artifacts, attributes, archetypes of various cultures.

The course covers the techniques that enable participants to analyze their favorite characters in myths/fairy tales. We uncover personally meaningful symbols that guide a person's interests and choices in life.
We will explore the meaning of mythological symbols and methods of understanding the plot of big cultural stories. By the end of the seminar, you will not only learn to recognize the hidden meaning of important cultural creations but also be able to analyze personally meaningful stories through the lens of mythological symbols and narratives.

The seminar consists of three main parts, each revealing new aspects of myths and fairy tales:

Theme 1: Elements of myths
• Methodology of natural elements
• Symbolism of main characters
• Understanding the profound meaning of mythological artifacts and attributes

Theme 2: Main components of narratives
• Content of myths and fairy tales - milestones in the hero's journey
• Structure of myths and fairy tales - major plot lines
• Key symbolic narratives in contemporary popular culture

Theme 3: Application of knowledge to specific meta-narratives of different cultures
• Examination of various cultural and national fairy tale traditions
• Comparative analysis of plots and symbols from different ethnic groups
• Identification of unique characteristics and features of each meta-narrative

The course provides participants with a unique opportunity to delve into the historical, philosophical, and sociocultural underpinnings of global culture. By examining the principles and values that form our narratives, participants will develop a deeper understanding of the profound alternatives that our global community faces.